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What is Project C?
Project C is a weekly newsletter about the practice and business of independent creator journalism.
What is an independent creator journalist? Is that a freelancer?
Not a freelancer, though independent creators may also freelance. Generally, what we’re talking about here are individuals who combine elements of journalism with content creation techniques to produce news, stories, or informational content for digital platforms. Unlike traditional journalists who typically work for established news organizations, creator journalists often operate independently or as part of alternative media outlets, utilizing platforms like social media, YouTube, podcasts, newsletters, and blogs to disseminate their work.
So what do you write about here?
Project C is for and about creator journalists and people who are interested in the evolution of news and information, particularly as it relates to independent journalism and Gen Z/Alpha audiences, who increasingly turn to independent sources for their news.
The content varies from week to week, but generally falls into a few categories:
Link posts: There’s a ton happening in this space, so at least twice a month posts will be devoted to making sure you see/read everything that might make a difference to how you produce, or consume or think about creator journalism.
Research summaries: There’s a ton of research happening all the time into news consumption, why people click on what and what it all means. I try to find the studies that have something to offer and give you a concise distillation. I think I’m funny when I call these posts something like “I read the study so you don’t have to.” LOLZ.
Interviews & Profiles: One of my favorite parts of writing this newsletter is being able to justify experiencing amazing journalism across a range of platforms. In interviews and profiles I share that work with you. It’s important for us to be able to recognize what good creator journalism looks like – especially since what it looks like continues to evolve.
How-tos: Independent creator journalism isn’t easy. Beyond producing excellent content, creators are also usually “solopreneurs” – meaning they have to figure out how to run a business. In how-to posts, I share lessons on everything from figuring out your content plan to paying taxes to building audience with the best advice from people who have done it.
Standards: This is a newer space. How do we continue to push for a flexible enough definition of rigor and ethics for creator journalism? We’ll continue this conversation for a long time.
Think pieces: Sometimes I have an opinion about a thing. In these pieces I share them with you.
So wait, who are you?
I’m Liz Kelly Nelson. I spent decades working in entrepreneurial spaces within media companies – from The Washington Post to Gannett/USA TODAY to Vox. Now I do this. I work with creators and newsrooms to help with things like strategy and transformation. I also spend an inordinate amount of time researching and tracking creator journalism. You can read my bio here.

I’ve had these boots for 12 years.
Do you get paid by anyone to write this?
Just my paid subscribers, but if you work for an organization that supports journalism and media literacy as key values of a thriving democracy and they might want to support this work financially, I would love to talk. The only income generated is from readers who opt in to a paid subscription (see below).
Why subscribe?
Project C is free for everyone, but if you can afford $80/year, please subscribe to support this work and ensure that it remains free for everyone and anyone who might benefit from it.